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GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL (Soils Report) <br />Geotechnical Report — New Single Family Residence <br />438 Cottage Ave, <br />Manteca, CA 95336 <br />June 22, 2021 Page 3 <br />■ If suitable - shallow foundations recommendations including allowable bearing values and <br />recommended depth of footing below exterior grade; <br />■ If shallow foundations not suitable - mat foundation recommendations including design data; <br />• Estimate of expected settlement of columns and foundation walls; <br />■ Lateral Resistance and Soil friction; <br />• Ground Improvement Recommendations — if soil conditions warrant; <br />■ Retaining Walls design recommendations (including foundations, drainage, etc.) and Lateral earth <br />pressure (passive, active, at rest); <br />• Level of site preparation required; <br />• A suggested specification for engineered fill that is available in the area; <br />• If expansive soil is present, analyze any special design requirements; <br />■ Analyze the possibility of using on-site material for engineered fill; <br />a Provide seismic site coefficients and near source data for analysis to current Building Code for <br />project location and jurisdiction or governing building authority; <br />■ Site response analysis and/or ground motions hazard analysis in accordance to ASCE 7-16 unless <br />otherwise exempted by code; <br />• Discussion on seismic liquefaction, dynamic densification, fault ground rupture and fault creep. If <br />conditions warrant — liquefaction analysis will be performed; <br />Schedule: CTE proposes completion and delivery of the Geotechnical Exploration report within <br />approximately 4 - 8 weeks from date of initial site visit. In situations where information is needed prior to <br />submittal of our report, we can provide verbal information or recommendations for specific project <br />requirements after we have completed our field and laboratory programs. <br />COMPENSATION <br />For the scope of services described above our fee will be an estimated Not to Exceed of $3,645.00 (50% <br />Deposit Required Prior to Drilling. The estimated cost and time involved are based on the anticipated soil <br />conditions, knowledge of the proposed development, and the scope of services. An approximate <br />breakdown of costs is presented below: <br />Field Investigation / Drilling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1,536.00 <br />The field Investigation will consist of performing a site reconnaissance, obtaining a soils boring permit <br />from San Joaquin County, excavation and logging of 1 boring hole, and obtaining representative soil <br />samples for laboratory analysis. An experienced geologist or soils engineer will oversee all field <br />investigation activities. The borings will be backfilled per county requirements. It is CTE's belief the <br />proposed number of borings and boring depths will meet the requirements of the California building code <br />for the design and construction of the proposed project. <br />LaboratoryTesting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $375.00 <br />Soils samples obtained in the field will be used to identify soil types and evaluate pertinent engineering <br />properties. Specifically, materials will be tested to determine appropriate geotechnical design parameters <br />