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In the 2002 photo, a number of small objects can be seen on the Site in addition <br /> to the house. <br /> In the 2008 photo, everything previously on the Site has been removed; two new <br /> houses are present. <br /> In the 2019 photo, a large number of parked vehicles can be seen at the adjacent <br /> property to the south. No other significant changes are apparent. <br /> These photos are included as Appendix 3 of this report. <br /> 4.0 SITE INSPECTION <br /> Live Oak inspected the site on July 21, 2021. Photographs of the Site are <br /> attached to this report as Appendix 2. The exteriors of the houses on the Site <br /> were inspected, as were the front and backyards. <br /> The Site is a residential lot with two newer houses; the houses were labeled with <br /> the addresses of 1910 and 1914 Sinclair. No environmental concerns were <br /> identified on the parcel. <br /> The adjacent properties on all sides were residential. Several cars were <br /> observed to be parked in the backyard of the adjacent property to the south. <br /> 5.0 INTERVIEWS <br /> 5.1 Interview with Client <br /> Ms. Ilayan was interviewed by telephone on July 27, 2021. At this time, she <br /> indicated that she has owned the Site less than a year. She stated that houses <br /> on the Site were built around 2007, and the same person who built them also <br /> built a third house at the end of the driveway (off-site, 1926 S. Sinclair). Ms. <br /> Ilayan had no knowledge of the previous house on the Site. She indicated that <br /> the Site is connected to municipal sewer service and California Water Service. <br /> Ms. Ilayan was not aware of any fuel tanks, chemical storage, dumping, buried <br /> debris, automotive or equipment maintenance, or other environmental issues on <br /> the Site. <br /> LOGE 2139 3 <br />