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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br /> addressed for GOLD RIVER ORCHARDS, INC as of June 26, 2023. <br /> Open violations from September 27, 2021 inspection <br /> Violation#401 -Failed to store hazardous waste in a container that is in good condition. <br /> OBSERVATION: Hazardous waste was found stored on-site in containers that are not in good condition. <br /> -One blue metal 55 gallon drum of used antifreeze was observed in the hazardous waste storage area with a grey <br /> substance used as a patch on the drum <br /> REGULATION GUIDANCE: Hazardous waste shall be stored in a containers that are in good condition. If a <br /> container holding hazardous waste is not in good condition (e.g., severe rusting, apparent structural defects), or if it <br /> begins to leak,the owner or operator shall transfer the hazardous waste from this container to a container that is in <br /> good condition, or manage the waste in some other way that complies with the hazardous waste requirements. <br /> CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately transfer all hazardous wastes into containers that are in good condition. <br /> Provide a corrective action statement to the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department within 30 days. <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑This violation will be corrected by(date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Violation#404-Failed to inspect hazardous waste storage areas at least weekly. <br /> OBSERVATION: The following facility hazardous waste containers are not inspected weekly: <br /> -secondary containment pallet for the used anti-freeze 55 gallon drum and used metal oil filter 55 gallon drum was <br /> observed with standing liquid inside <br /> -one blue metal 55 gallon drum of used antifreeze was observed in the hazardous waste storage area with a grey <br /> substance used as a patch on the drum. Per Mr. Martinez, he indicated that the drums are inspected monthly. <br /> REGULATION GUIDANCE: The owner or operator shall inspect areas used for container storage or transfer, at <br /> least weekly, looking for leaking containers and for deterioration of containers and the containment system caused <br /> by corrosion or other factors. <br /> CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately,the one blue metal 55 gallon drum need to be taken out of service.The <br /> waste needs to be transferred into to containers in good condition. Provide a corrective action statement and <br /> supporting documentation to the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department within 30 days. <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑This violation will be corrected by(date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br />