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D. Airborne Emission Controls <br />A water truck and sprinkler system will be utilized together to control the dust and odor emissions. <br />E. Drainage Controls <br />The composting process will take <br />place <br />on <br />a cement pad, formerly used <br />for silage storage, <br />currently <br />drains to an existing lagoon that is used <br />to <br />collect the manure on site. <br />F. Pad Maintenance <br />The operational surface is a cement pad that will make the maintenance more efficient and easily <br />controlled by operators. <br />G. Process/wastewater Controls <br />The current water storage lagoon is also used to flush feed alleys where cattle mangers are located. The <br />storage lagoon is very large and as the dairy is at low capacity, the lagoon will be able to handle large <br />volumes of water in the event of unusual storm events. Landowner also has 2 additional ponds if needed <br />for additional storage. <br />H. Material Processing, Handling, and Storage Practices <br />1. Processing <br />a. Feedstock <br />Feedstock is processed within 36 hours of arriving on the site and incorporated into windrows to <br />start the monitoring process. <br />b. Processed Material <br />Feedstock will be in a windrow far up to 120 days, at which time it will be prepared to be spread. <br />2. Pile Geometry <br />a. Feedstock <br />None are applicable at this time <br />b. Processed Material <br />This will vary depending on incoming materials <br />There will be 6 piles 8 feet wide 10 feet tall and 100 feet long. In the winter months when there <br />is less manure accessible, fewer windrows will be used. <br />I. Weather Event Impacts <br />(....Describe type and frequency of weather events, such as wind changes in velocity and direction, rain, <br />thunder storms, high winds, fog, or inversions which would require adjustments in or impede processing <br />activities. Include mitigations or reference other sections of the GIMP to address impacts of weather on <br />material processing....) <br />