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Two aboveground storage tanks approximately 550 gallons in size were <br /> observed to the south of the old shed. The Teicheiras indicated that the tank on <br /> the ground contains some gasoline, but the standing tank is empty. Inside the <br /> old shed, numerous tires were stored; the Teicheiras indicated that the tires will <br /> be used for future car projects. A car, a boat, two drums, an automotive engine, <br /> and a variety of other supplies were stored within the old shed. The Teicheiras <br /> indicated that the drums are empty and the engine will be moved into a more <br /> secure building. To the west of the old shed, several old cars and antique <br /> tractors were parked; the Teicheiras indicated that these will be restored in the <br /> future. More tires, a trailer, and two empty drums were observed northwest of <br /> the old shed; the Teicheiras indicated that these tires will be used in the future as <br /> well. On the north side of the old shed is a metal storage container. North of <br /> this, six metal drums and several 5-gallon buckets were observed; the Teicheiras <br /> indicated that the drums are for sale, and the buckets are empty. Further <br /> northwest of this area, an approximately 300 gallon metal storage tank, piles of <br /> car parts, agricultural equipment including large tractors, a parked vehicle, and <br /> other miscellaneous objects were observed to be stored; the Teicheiras indicated <br /> that the tank is empty and will be sold in the future, as will the piles of car parts. <br /> The domestic well was observed to the west of the house at 6733 East Perrin. <br /> The dairy well was observed to the north of the milk barn. The Teicheiras <br /> pointed out the locations of the septic systems for the three houses, three mobile <br /> homes, and milk barn restroom. They indicated that the old building west of the <br /> three mobile homes is only used for storage and does not have a septic system. <br /> On the north side of the dairy area, an open area was observed in which a few <br /> additional pieces of equipment were parked; a few soil stains typical of an active <br /> equipment storage area were observed. The Teicheiras indicated that the <br /> staining will be cleaned up as part of periodic site maintenance. An <br /> approximately 300-gallon metal storage tank and a similarly-sized plastic tank <br /> were stored on the north side of the area; the Teicheiras indicated that the metal <br /> tank will be sold in the future. <br /> Near the large cattle pen structures, a large pile of tire pieces was observed; the <br /> Teicheiras indicated that these are used to weigh down fabric coverings over <br /> feed piles. Two metal tanks and a mobile spray tank were observed to the north <br /> of the northern structure; the Teicheiras indicated that the large (approx. 2,000- <br /> gallon) metal tank was only ever used for water, and the small (approx. 100 <br /> gallon) tank will be sold. South of the milk barn, two plastic tanks and an old car <br /> were observed; the Teicheiras indicated that the tanks contain sanitizer for the <br /> milk lines. Further south was an approximately 550-gallon aboveground fuel <br /> tank. On the east side of the smaller cattle pen structure, a pump and two empty <br /> drums were observed. To the north of the cattle pens, the manure pond runs <br /> north-south. A trap wagon fuel tank was observed near the north end of the <br /> manure pond. <br /> LOGE 2327 4 <br />